Contribution to the knowledge of the life cycle of Chromulina nevadensis


  • Presentacio?n Carrillo Departamento de Biologi?a Animal, Ecologi?a y Gene?tica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada. Spain
  • Luis Cruz Pizarro Departamento de Biologi?a Animal, Ecologi?a y Gene?tica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada. Spain
  • Luis Cruz Pizarro Departamento de Biologi?a Animal, Ecologi?a y Gene?tica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada. Spain
  • Pedro M. Sa?nchez Castillo Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal. Facultad dc Ciencias. Universidad de Granada. Spain



Chromulina, Mixotrophy, Phytoplankton, Statospores


In this paper we present data about enlargement of the original description of Chromulina nevadensis. This study has been carried out on an oligotrophic high mountain lake (La Caldera) close to the lake where it was described (Aguas Verdes). Also we make some consideration about the mixotrophy, a nutritional behavior previously knew for other chrysophyceae taza. Finally we study, by the first time, the morfology of its statospores with SEM.


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How to Cite

Carrillo, P., Cruz Pizarro, L., Cruz Pizarro, L., & Sa?nchez Castillo, P. M. (1991). Contribution to the knowledge of the life cycle of Chromulina nevadensis. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 16(1), 19–26.




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