Relative importance of species whose pollen is used by Apis mellifera in the area of the Los Ruiles National Reserve, VII Region of Chile


  • Gloria Montenegro Departamento de Ecologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias Biolo?gicas. Pontificia Universidad Cato?lica de Chile. Chile
  • Miguel Go?mez Departamento de Ecologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias Biolo?gicas. Pontificia Universidad Cato?lica de Chile. Chile
  • Guacolda A?vila Departamento de Ecologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias Biolo?gicas. Pontificia Universidad Cato?lica de Chile. Chile



Corbicular pollen, biomass, selectivity, Chile


In this work, we have determined the selective use of plant resource for pollen collection by Apis mellifera in the sub-humed mediterranean zone of Chile. Throughout sampling pollen loud trapped at the entrance of the hives, was quantified the different plant used species by honey bees, analyzing the relative importance of them.


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How to Cite

Montenegro, G., Go?mez, M., & A?vila, G. (1992). Relative importance of species whose pollen is used by Apis mellifera in the area of the Los Ruiles National Reserve, VII Region of Chile. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 17, 167–174.


