New hybrids in the genus Teucrium L. (Lamiaceae)


  • Antonio de La Torre Divisio?n de Biologi?a Animal y Vegetal (Bota?nica), Dpto. Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Naturales, Universidad de Alicante Spain
  • Francisco Alcaraz Dpto. de Biologi?a Vegetal (Bota?nica), Universidad de Murcia. Spain



Teucrium, nothospecies, hybrids, flora, Spain


Four new nothospecies are described within the genus Teucrium L. (Sect. Polium), from southeastern Spain: T. x rigualii (T. libanitis x T. carolipaui), T. x riosii (T. capitatum subsp. gracillimum xT. carolipaui),T.x riverae (T. caphatum subsp. gracillimum xT. dunense), and T. x robledoi (T. capitatum subsp. gracillimum x T. homotrichum). Data on the bioclimatology, biogeography and phytosociology for all these hybrids is also given.


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How to Cite

de La Torre, A., & Alcaraz , F. (1992). New hybrids in the genus Teucrium L. (Lamiaceae). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 17, 135–143.




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