Revision of the genus Trifohum Sect. Trifolium in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands


  • Adolfo F. Mun?oz Rodri?guez Dpto. de Biologi?a y Produccio?n de los Vegetales, Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieri?a Te?cnica Agri?cola, Universidad de Extremadura. Spain



Trifolium, Leguminosae, taxonomy, corology, ecology, Iberian Peninsula, Baleares


Trifohum sect. Trifolium species living in the Iberian Peninsula are revised, in this area 36 taxa belonging to 27 species are recognized, grouped in 15 subsections. For each taxon a description, distribution, chromosomic number, ecology and phenology are given, and a key for their identification is established. Locotypic indication and type when traced are indicated in every taxa.

Two new combinations are made, T. striatum subsp. brevidens (Lange) A. Mun?oz and T. phleoides subsp. willkommii (Chab.) A. Mun?oz, subsect. Diffusa A. Mun?oz is proposed for T. diffusum Ehrh., and T. lucanicum Gasparr. ex Guss. is founded in Iberia Peninsula for first time.


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How to Cite

Mun?oz Rodri?guez , A. F. (1992). Revision of the genus Trifohum Sect. Trifolium in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 17, 79–118.


