Catalogue of fungi present in silos in the province of Cordoba (Spain)


  • Ana Mediavilla Molina Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a (Bota?nica). Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Co?rdoba Spain
  • Félix Infante García-Pantaleon Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a (Bota?nica). Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Co?rdoba Spain
  • Julia Angulo Romero Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a (Bota?nica). Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Co?rdoba Spain
  • Eugenio Domínguez Vilches Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a (Bota?nica). Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Co?rdoba Spain



Fungi spores, mycoflora, stored grain, pathogenic fungis, aeroalergenos


The presence of fungi in two different silos and two stores located at Co?rdoba province, has been studied during twelve months. Volumetric and gravimetric methods were used simultaneously for sampling the air, always on culture medium. At the same time the grain stored were sampled in order to know its associated mycoflora. From the results, a catalogue containing the 70 identified taxa in the silos and stores sampled (air and grain). The ecology, potential patogenicity and previous records in Spain is given for every taxa.


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How to Cite

Mediavilla Molina, A., Infante García-Pantaleon, F., Angulo Romero, J., & Domínguez Vilches , E. (1992). Catalogue of fungi present in silos in the province of Cordoba (Spain). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 17, 57–66.




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