The vegetatio biodiversity of the “Rio Cruces” Nature Sanctuary (Valdivia, Chile)


  • Cristina San Marti?n Padovani Instituto de Bota?nica, Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
  • Ricardo Medina Jaramillo Instituto de Bota?nica, Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
  • Pedro Ojeda Nempu Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Ma?laga. Chile
  • Carlos Rami?rez Garci?a Instituto de Bota?nica, Universidad Austral de Chile Chile



Wetland, hydrophylic vegetation, phytosociology, zonation, succession, Valdivia, Chile


A phytosociological study of the aquatic and swampy vegetation of the Nature Sanctuary of «Ri?o Cruces» in Valdivia, Chile is given. Three submersed associations (Potametum lucentis, Egerietum densum and Myriophylletum aquaticutn), three floating associations (Polygono-Ludwigietum peploidis, Myriophyllo- Potametum linguatii and Utriculario-Nymphaetum albae) and three emerged associations (Scirpetum caltforniae, Alismo-Sagittarietum montevidensis and Loto-Cyperetum eragrostidae) were determinated. Also, two prairies associations (Juncetum microcephalii and Juncetum procerii) and one forest association (Blepharocalyo-Myrceugenietum exsuccae) were described and the presence of one scrub association (Rubo-Blechnetum chilensis) were established. Finally, the syntaxonomical and spatial-temporal position of each plant association in the littoral zonation and succession were analyzed.


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How to Cite

San Marti?n Padovani, C., Medina Jaramillo, R., Ojeda Nempu, P., & Rami?rez Garci?a , C. (1993). The vegetatio biodiversity of the “Rio Cruces” Nature Sanctuary (Valdivia, Chile). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 18, 259–279.




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