Trifolium Sect. Trifolium. II. Cariological study


  • Adolfo Mun?oz Rodri?guez Dpto. de Biologi?a y Produccio?n de los Vegetales, Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieri?a Te?cnica Agri?cola, Universidad de Extremadura. Spain



Trifolium, Leguminosae, karyology


Trifolium spread in the Iberian Peninsula are studied from the cytological point of view. Chromosome number and morphology, size and asimmetry for 25 species are given, and the results are discussed in regard to systematics, life cycle and distribution, taking into account the consulted literature. Stebbins and Romero asimmetry indices are compared for the studied species.


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How to Cite

Mun?oz Rodri?guez , A. (1993). Trifolium Sect. Trifolium. II. Cariological study. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 18, 89–118.


