New data about the phytogeographic singularity of the Algeciras mountains (Cadiz): Sphagnum platyphyllum in the Sierra de La Palma


  • Margarita Acon Remacha Departamento de Biologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Auto?noma de Madrid. Spain
  • Carlos Morla Juaristi Departamento de Silvopascicultura, E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Montes. Universidad Polite?cnica de Madrid. Spain



Sphagnum, chorology, Western Andalusia


The study of a bryophytes samples from the neighbourhood of Los Barrios (Ca?diz) reveals the existence of two species of Sphagnum of the Subsecunda section: S. denticulatum Brid. (= S.lescurii Sull., S.auriculatum Schimp.) and S.platyphyllum (Braith.) Warnst. The first species had been already mentioned in the province of Ca?diz, but the second one was unknown in Andalusia. The presence of this latter species with circumpolar distribution (Karlin, 1991) is a peculiar addition to the group of elements which a geobotanical meaning to the southern mountanious area of the province of Ca?diz.


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How to Cite

Acon Remacha, M., & Morla Juaristi , C. (1993). New data about the phytogeographic singularity of the Algeciras mountains (Cadiz): Sphagnum platyphyllum in the Sierra de La Palma. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 18, 73–76.


