Contributions to the distribution and ecology of the Charophyceae of the province of Valencia


  • José Luis Carretero Spain



Charophyceae, Chorology, Ecology, Valencia (E Spain)


Contributions to the distribution and ecology of the Charophyceae of the Valencia province. As result of the study of 88 places, data on distribution and ecology of the Charophyceae in the Valencia province are given. Fifteen taxa have been surveyed. Chara canescens, C. connivens and C. galioides are new provincial records. The main physical-chemical characteristics of water for each species are presented.


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How to Cite

Carretero, J. L. (1993). Contributions to the distribution and ecology of the Charophyceae of the province of Valencia. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 18, 31–37.


