Use of bioclimatic and floristic criteria in the biogeographic subdivision of the Subbetic sector (Betic province)


  • Pedro Sa?nchez-Gomez Dpto. de Biologi?a Vegetal (Bota?nica). Fac. de Biologi?a. Universidad de Murcia. Spain
  • Juan F. Mota Poveda Dpto. de Biologi?a Vegetal. Escuela Polite?cnica Superior de Almeri?a. Universidad de Almeri?a Spain
  • Francisco Go?mez Mercado Dpto. de Biologi?a Vegetal. Escuela Polite?cnica Superior de Almeri?a. Universidad de Almeri?a Spain
  • Francisco Saez Soto Dpto. de Biologi?a Vegetal (Bota?nica). Fac. de Biologi?a. Universidad de Murcia. Spain



Subbe?tico Sector, Bioclimatology, Biogeography


All four subsectors from subbetic Sector have been studied. Significative differences of the rainfall regime have been observed on both annual and seasonal rainfall. Subbetic- Maginense, Cazorlense and Alcaracense subsectors show higher winter rainfall, and Subbetic-Murciano subsector has a more important rainfall at spring and autum. Characteristic taxa from each subsector have been analyzed, having been detected a great affinity between Cazorlense and Alcaracense subsectors, being the last one a colder version of the former, for that reason it is proposed the fusion of both into a new Alcaracino-Cazorlense subsector. Subbetic-Maginense subsector, with a high degree of singularity, presents a higher influence from nearby betic sectors. Subbetic-Murciano subsector embraces the most continental ranges, with the greatest iberolevantinian influence.


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How to Cite

Sa?nchez-Gomez, P., Mota Poveda, J. F., Go?mez Mercado, F., & Saez Soto, F. (1994). Use of bioclimatic and floristic criteria in the biogeographic subdivision of the Subbetic sector (Betic province). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 19, 185–198.


