Pollen analysis of honeys in the Cabrera Baja (Montes de Leon, Spain)


  • Manuel Celis Depto. de Biología Vegetal y Ecología (Botánica). Universidad de Sevilla Spain
  • María Josefa Díez Depto. de Biología Vegetal y Ecología (Botánica). Universidad de Sevilla Spain




Melisopalynology, honey, León, Spain, beekeeping, pollen, palynology, Apis mellifera


Seven honey sample have been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy, from seven localities of the Montes de León region (Leon, Spain). The results show that the nectar from flowers is the main source in the region (HDE/P = 0.02-0.38) Thirty four pollen types have been identified which show two monofloral (from Chestnut and one from Mint) and four multifloral honey. The main types are different species of Mentha, Castanea sativa, Erica australis, E. arborea, Campanula spp., Reseda spp., Rubus spp., and Salix spp. like the most important plants supplying nectar for Apis mellifera. All these taxa, but mainly different species of tribu Genisteae, are the principal pollen sources in the region.


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How to Cite

Celis, M., & Díez, M. J. (1995). Pollen analysis of honeys in the Cabrera Baja (Montes de Leon, Spain). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 20, 91–96. https://doi.org/10.24310/abm.v20i.8830


