Importance of the ornamental flora in the aeropalynology of Seville (Spain)


  • Francisco José González Minero Spain
  • Pilar Candau Spain
  • M. Luis González Romano Spain



Aeropalynolgy, ornamental flora, pollen, Seville


A Cour trap was used to sample the air of the city for eight consecutive years (1987-1994). A total of 32 pollen types has been established, belonging to 30 different families, and making up 30% of the total pollen collected. The types with a representation higher than 0.2% are, in order of importance: Cupressaceae, Matarais, Palmae, Moraceae, Fraxinus, Salicaceae, Casuarina, Acer, Ulmus and Citrus. Most of the remaining types are entomophilous, so that their appearance in the air is sporadic and at concentrations lower than 1 grain weekly/m3. The ornamental pollen comprises a high percentage of the total pollen between December and April. Most of the types appear in the first half of the year (except Palmae and Casuarina), with the weeks of maximum pollen collection being before week fifteen of the year. The variation in the weekly pollen concentrations throughout the year shows a homogeneous graphic profile, except Palmae and Citrus, which have continual rises and falls in concentration.


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Author Biographies

Francisco José González Minero

Dpto. Biología Vegetal y Ecología

Pilar Candau

Dpto. Biología Vegetal y Ecología

M. Luis González Romano

Dpto. Biología Vegetal y Ecología


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How to Cite

González Minero, F. J., Candau, P., & González Romano, M. L. (1997). Importance of the ornamental flora in the aeropalynology of Seville (Spain). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 22, 83–91.




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