The vegetation of the vernal pools near Temuco (Cautín, Chile)


  • Cristina San Martín Padovani Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
  • Carlos Ramírez García Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
  • Pedro Ojeda Nempu Universidad Austral de Chile Chile



Wetlands, hydrophylic vegetation, phytosociology, classification, ordination, Araucanía, Chile


The vegetation of the vernal pools located in Tromen Hill near Temuco city (Chile) was studied. The study was made using the tradicional plantsociological methods and with modern statistical multivariate methods of classification and ordination. The following plant associations were determined: Juncetum procerii, Mentho-Agrostietum capillaris, Eleocharitetum pachycarpae, Eleocharitetum macrostachyae, Gnaphalio-Polygonetum hydropiperoidis, Glycerietummultiflorae and Junco-Caricetum ripariae and so the communities of Ludwigia peploides-Sagittaria montevidense, Eleocharis pachycarpa-Lythrum portula, Anthoxanthum utriculatum,Phyla nodtflora and Potamogeton pusillus. These plant associations and communities were compared in his distribution, origin of the flora and biological spectra. The statistical classification was similar to the traditional ordination of the phytosociological table. The multivariate ordination al lowed to infer that the wet conditions, the extension of the dry summer period and the organic matter of the substrat are the most important factors in the distribution of species and plant associations.


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Author Biographies

Cristina San Martín Padovani, Universidad Austral de Chile

Instituto de Botánica

Carlos Ramírez García, Universidad Austral de Chile

Instituto de Botánica

Pedro Ojeda Nempu, Universidad Austral de Chile

Instituto de Botánica


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How to Cite

San Martín Padovani, C., Ramírez García, C., & Ojeda Nempu, P. (1998). The vegetation of the vernal pools near Temuco (Cautín, Chile). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 23, 99–120.




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