Classification of aquatic plant-communities of the Celtiberico-Alcarreño sector (central Iberian Peninsula)


  • José A. Molina Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain
  • Santiago Sardinero Spain



Charetea, Classification, Multivariate analysis, Ordination, Phytosociology, Potametea, Spain, Syntaxonomy


This study, combining the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological approach with numerical methods (cluster and ordination analysis), describes the aquatic vegetation of the calcareous upper Iberian Plateau belonging to the Celtiberico-Alcarreño biogeographical sector (Castellano-Maestrazgo-Manchega province). The following associations and communities have been identified: Community of Chara hispida, Groenlandio densae-Zannichellietum peltatae, Potametum colorati, Hippuridetum vulgaris, Community of Polygonum amphibium, Potamo pectinati-Myriophylletum spicati and Myriophyllo- Nupharetunt lutei.


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Author Biographies

José A. Molina, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Biología Vegetal II, Facultad de Farmacia

Santiago Sardinero

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Centro de Investigaciones Forestales


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How to Cite

Molina, J. A., & Sardinero, S. (1998). Classification of aquatic plant-communities of the Celtiberico-Alcarreño sector (central Iberian Peninsula). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 23, 89–98.


