Flower and life strategy diversity in Teucrium L. (Lamiaceae)


  • Teresa Navarro Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • Jalal El Oualidi Morocco




Flower, life strategy, diversity, Teucrium L., Lamiaceae


The flowers of Teucrium L., show a great diversity in form, floral features and floral mechanisms related to pollination. Functional redundancy is found in the gullet-shaped corollas with nectar guides and nototribic pollination shown in the sections Chamaedrys (Mili.) Schreb., lsotriodon Boiss., Scordium (Mill.) Rchb. and Po/iunz subsections Rotundifolia (Cohen) ex Valdes Berm. & Sánchez Crespo and Pumilum Rivas Mart. Nototribic pollination of the gullet-shaped corollas with closed gullet mechanism by a palate of hairs associated to a slight pouch in the corolla tube is exclusive of the section Teucrium. The sternotribic pollination of the brush-shaped corollas closed by a tuft of hair in the entrance of the corolla tube (base of the anterior lobe), are specific of the ginodioecious species of the section Poliuin (Mill.) Schreb. subsection Polium and subsection Simpliciplosa S. Puech. The presence of flag-shaped corollas with sternotribic pollination are found in the resupinate flowers from sections Spinularia (Boiss.) Kästner and Stachyobotrys Boiss. These floral features provide a systematic use at sectional level and exemplifies the evolutionary potential of the tubular sympetal corollas. Teucrium has five different life strategies established. The dominant life strategy are the chamaephyte half-shrubs summer semi-decidous with sexual reproduction and wind-dispersal with diaspores adapted to the semachory shown by the sections Chamaedrys, lsotriodon and Polium. Clearly less frequent are the nano-phanerophytes, shrub-branched, summer semi-decidous, wind-dispersal by pogonospores which correspond to sections Teucrium and Teucriopsis Benth. And the perennial herbs winter decidous with asexual reproduction and semachory. In some cases, these are rizhomatoses as in the section Chanzaedrys or stoloniferous as in the section Scordium Kástner. The annual, erect, postrate or spinescent herbs winter or summer decidous dispersal by ballospores and sclerospores are exclusive from the section Spinularia and finally, the perennial herbs and half-shrubs winter or summer decidous species, ballospores with bilabiate calyces characteristics of the section Scorodonia (Hill) Schreb., and the T. betonicunz L'Hér and T. abutiloides L'Hér from section Teucriopsis.


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Author Biographies

Teresa Navarro, Universidad de Málaga

Dpto. Biología Vegetal. Fac. Ciencias

Jalal El Oualidi

Département de Botanique et d'Ecologie Vegetate. Institut Scientifique Ibn Battouta


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How to Cite

Navarro, T., & El Oualidi, J. (1999). Flower and life strategy diversity in Teucrium L. (Lamiaceae). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 24, 63–75. https://doi.org/10.24310/abm.v24i0.8518




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