Seed surface structures in Genista L. (Fabaceae) in Morocco


  • Omar Azzioui Morocco
  • Abbas Es-Sgaouri Morocco



Fabaceae, Genista, S.E.M., seeds, micromorphology, Morocco


The seed coat ornamentation was studied in 19 species of genus Genista L. in Morocco by scanning electron microscopy. Seven endemic species are studied for the first time. Five for them have shown a folded pattern (sensu lato), and two a more complex one. The presence of two different pattern in the same species emphasize the great instability of this character inside a same section. Testa patterns seem taxonomically not significant within the genus Genista.


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Author Biographies

Omar Azzioui

Département de Biologic, Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chok

Abbas Es-Sgaouri

Département de Biologic, Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chok


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How to Cite

Azzioui, O., & Es-Sgaouri, A. (1999). Seed surface structures in Genista L. (Fabaceae) in Morocco. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 24, 43–51.


