Record of the cyanobacteria present in the Hamisar pond of Bhuj, India


  • Vishal Shah Sardar Patel University India
  • Nikki Garg Sardar Patel University India
  • Datta Madamwar Sardar Patel University India



Cyanobacteria, Bhuj, India




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Author Biographies

Vishal Shah, Sardar Patel University

Post Graduate Department of Biosciences

Nikki Garg, Sardar Patel University

Post Graduate Department of Biosciences

Datta Madamwar, Sardar Patel University

Post Graduate Department of Biosciences


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How to Cite

Shah, V., Garg, N., & Madamwar, D. (2000). Record of the cyanobacteria present in the Hamisar pond of Bhuj, India. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 25, 175–180.



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