The vegetation of the Rock of Gibraltar


  • Antonio Galán de Mera Universidad San Pablo- CEU Spain
  • John E. Cortés Gibraltar Botanic Gardens Gibraltar
  • Íñigo Sánchez García Parque Zoológico y Jardín Botánico «Alberto Durán» Spain



Vegetation, Phytosociology, Gibraltar, Iberian Peninsula


In this work, we present a study of the vegetation of Gibraltar, using the Braun-Blanquet methodology. As a result, we propose the following new syntaxa: Anacyclo radiati-Hordeetum leporini centaureetosum sonchifoliae, Antirrhino cirrhigeri-Parietarietum judaicae and cymbalarietosum muralis, Asparago aphylli-Calicotometum villosae efedretosum fragilis, Ferulo tingitanae-Carthametton arborescentis and smyrnietosum olusatri, Geranio pusilli-Theligonetum cynocrambis geranietosum purpurei, Limonietum emarginati limonietosum sinuati, Oryzopsio miliacei- Daucetum maximi glaucietosuinflavi, Para pholido incurvae-Frankenietum lae vis, and Verbasco martinezii- Ononidetum ramosissimae feruletosum tingitanae. The vegetation of Gibraltar is very perturbed, and the principal characteristic of the landscape are the fragmentary communities. These are commented, taking the 'basal community' (BC), 'derived community' (DC) and 'marginal community' (MC) concepts.


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Author Biography

Antonio Galán de Mera, Universidad San Pablo- CEU

Laboratorio de Botánica


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How to Cite

Galán de Mera, A., Cortés, J. E., & Sánchez García, Íñigo. (2000). The vegetation of the Rock of Gibraltar. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 25, 107–130.


