lnterspecific cross between Durum Wheat and Aegilops geniculata to transfer resistance to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say.)


  • Oum El Khlifi
  • Hakima Chamlal
  • Hari Sharma
  • Ouafae Benlhabib




ABSTRACT. lnterspecific cross between Durum Wheat and Aegilops geniculata to transfer resistance to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say.). Interspecific crosses between durum wheat (Triticum durum) and accessions of Aegilops geniculata were initiated the first year of the present program. Only those accessions that were resistant to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say.) were used with the objective to transfer the resistance to wheat. Embryo rescue of immature hybrid seeds was necessary. Two hybrids between T. durum and A. geniculata were produced and planted in the field the second year. They presented intermediate traits between their two parents and produced a progeny after selfing or backcrossing. Meiotic analysis of the pollen mother cells showed low pairing between parental chromosomes in the hybrids.

Key words. Triticum durum, Aegilops geniculata, interspecific cross, embryo rescue, mitotic and meiotic analyses.

RÉSUMÉ. Croisement interspécifique entre le blé dur et Aegilops geniculata pour le transfert de la résistance ii la mouche de Hesse (Mayetiola destructor Say.) Des croisements interspecifiques entre le blé dur (Triticam durum) et des accessions d'Aegilops geniculata ant eté initiés la le' anude de ce programme. Scuts les accessions resistantes á la mouche de Hesse (Mayetiola destructor Say.) ant été utilisées dans l'objetif de transferer la résistance au bid. Le sauvetage d'embryons hybrides immatures a été nécessaire. Deux hybrides entre Triticum durum et Aegilops geniculata ont éte produits et transférés au champs la 25e année. lis ont présenté une morphologic intermédiaire entre leurs deux parents et ant produits une descendance apt- 6s autofécondation ou retrocroisement. L'analyse méiotique des cellules mere du pollen a montre un faible appariement entre les chromosomes chez les deux hybrides.

Mots cles. Triticum durum, Aegilops geniculata, interspecifique croisement, sauvetage d'embryons, mitotic et meiotique analyses.


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How to Cite

El Khlifi, O., Chamlal, H., Sharma, H., & Benlhabib, O. (2003). lnterspecific cross between Durum Wheat and Aegilops geniculata to transfer resistance to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say.). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 28, 149–154. https://doi.org/10.24310/abm.v28i0.7274




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