Narcissus ×urenae (Amaryllidaceae), a new hybrid for the flora of Northern Morocco


  • Julián Fuentes Gestión de Biodiversidad y Geodiversidad. Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía. Consejería de Sostenibilidad Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul. Granada Spain
  • Inés de Bellard La Carolina. Jaén. Spain
  • Emilio Esteban-Infantes Madrid. Spain



new nothospecies, taxonomy, hybridization, North Africa, autumn flowering


A new notospecies is described: Narcissus ×urenae, resulting from the cross between Narcissus obsoletus and Narcissus papyraceus. In addition, for the correct characterization of one of the parents, Narcissus obsoletus, the distinctive morphological characteristics of this species and the most related taxa are detailed, given the taxonomic discrepancies in the treatment of daffodils with white corollas and strictly autumnal flowering in several areas of the Mediterranean, differentiating several taxonomic entities, such Narcissus serotinus, N. deficiens, N. obsoletus and N. elegans, depending on their geographical distribution and specific characteristics. 


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Narcissus x urenae y sus parentales, hábitos e inflorescencias



How to Cite

Fuentes , J., de Bellard, I., & Esteban-Infantes, E. (2025). Narcissus ×urenae (Amaryllidaceae), a new hybrid for the flora of Northern Morocco. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 50, 21262.


