Salvinia minima (Salviniaceae) a new non-native species for the Iberian Peninsula




Non native plants, ferns, Mediterranean Region, Chorology


Salvinia minima (Salviniaceae) is here reported as a new non-native species to the flora of the Iberian Peninsula. A population was recently found in the Besòs river (Barcelona province) and a sample collected in 1999 at the Ebro Delta (Tarragona province) would also be referable to this species.


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Fotos de hojas flotantes y papilas, dibujo de la papila con pelos no unidos en sus extremo




How to Cite

Saez, L., Garcia, S., Fàbregas, E., Riera, M., & Molino, S. (2025). Salvinia minima (Salviniaceae) a new non-native species for the Iberian Peninsula. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 50, 21160.




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