Petrosedum thartii (Crassulaceae), an overlooked species of the Iberian flora


  • Pere Aymerich Spain



Pyrenees, Spain, distribution, flora, Sempervivoideae, Sedum


We report here the presence in the Pyrenees of plants assignable to Petrosedum thartii based on current knowledge of the difficult yellow-flowered Petrosedum complex. Petrosedum thartii has not previously been reported from the Iberian Peninsula and the nearest known locations are in the Alps. However, this plant is quite common in the inland valleys of the south-eastern Pyrenees but has seemingly often been confused with P. rupestre, a widespread species in this area whose presence has only been confirmed in areas with a maritime influence in eastern Catalonia. Our observations also indicate that confusion between P. montanum and P. rupestre is common, which suggests that an updating of the distribution of the yellow-flowered Petrosedum species in the Pyrenees is required.


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Inflorescencias en antesis de Petrosedum thartii




How to Cite

Aymerich, P. (2025). Petrosedum thartii (Crassulaceae), an overlooked species of the Iberian flora. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 50, 20732.


