A new name in Genista (Fabaceae)



Genista, nomenclature, Sierra Nevada, Spain, Endemism


A new name, Genista ernii L. Sáez & Blanca, is proposed for the recognition of Genistella sagittalis subsp. undulata Ern as a separate species from Genista sagittalis L. The epithet “undulata”can not be used at specific rank in Genista because there is a previous G. undulata Link, which is a taxonomic synonym of G. tridentata L. subsp. tridentata.


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How to Cite

Saez, L., & Blanca, G. (2024). A new name in Genista (Fabaceae). Acta Botanica Malacitana. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/abm/article/view/19021




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