“Phantom” names in phytosociological nomenclature, another type of invalid synonym to take into account



ICPN, phantom name, phytosociological nomenclarue, syntaxonomy


We examine the existence and problems of syntaxa names that have never been published as such, because they have been completely invented or written with a wrong taxon, with a wrong authorship or with an incorrect date. Likewise, following Dr. L. Mucina's proposal for German ("phantomnamen") and English ("phantom"), we suggest using in Spanish the compound term "nombre fantasma" to identify this type of invalid synonym, as the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN) does not include any specific term for this purpose.


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How to Cite

Mercadal i Corominas, G. (2024). “Phantom” names in phytosociological nomenclature, another type of invalid synonym to take into account. Acta Botanica Malacitana. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/abm/article/view/18735


