Evaluation of the state of conservation of Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenk. (Dryopteridaceae) in the Genal Valley


  • Oscar Gavira Universidad de Málaga Spain




Conservation Biology, habitat destruction, threatened species, population, ferns, Andalusia


Dryopteris affinis is a threatened fern in Andalusia, classified as Vulnerable. It is known to be present in five areas in the region, but the Genal Valley is the only one that is neither a National Park nor a Natural Park. Recent years have seen a decline in the number of individuals and loss of sites, mainly due to habitat destruction: from pressure from game species and forestry activity to the construction of pools for amphibians. Before conducting this study, only three adult individuals had been recorded across the entire valley. By surveying the known localities and exploring the most favorable areas, a total of 139 individuals were found: 110 juveniles and 29 adults. All individuals were concentrated in a single 10 x 10 km UTM grid square, and mainly along a small stream, the site at which 53% of all the individuals and 72% of the adults were found. Further, they were rather thinly spread (area of occupancy less than 4% of their potential area) and the breeding individuals were at an advanced age (36% at the maximum developmental stage). These findings demonstrate that the species is highly sensitive to habitat disturbance, and small-scale works, like the construction of pools for amphibians, cause significant damage to the population of Dryopteris affinis in the Genal Valley.


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Dryopteris affinis en  hábitat natural



How to Cite

Gavira, O. (2024). Evaluation of the state of conservation of Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenk. (Dryopteridaceae) in the Genal Valley. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 49, 26–34. https://doi.org/10.24310/abm.49.2024.17860




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