Confirmation of the presence of Valeriana rumicoides Wedd. (Caprifoliaceae, Valerianoideae) for the Peruvian flora




Biogeography, Phytosociology, Flora of Peru, Valeriana


Valeriana rumicoides Wedd. was sometimes cited in Peru on the basis of a sheet with an erroneous locality belonging to Colombia. This paper confirms the presence of this species in the Peruvian flora, providing phytosociological and biogeographical data.


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How to Cite

Galán de Mera, A., Montoya Quino, J., & Linares Perea, E. (2023). Confirmation of the presence of Valeriana rumicoides Wedd. (Caprifoliaceae, Valerianoideae) for the Peruvian flora. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 48, 160–165.



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