Phytosociological data on tree and shrub vegetation in the Tiétar valley (Gredos Mountain Range, Iberian Central System, Spain)
Iberian Peninsula, Iberian Central System, Gredos Mountain Range, sintaxonomy, vegetationAbstract
The phytosociological study of three shrubland and one tree communities in the Tiétar valley (south of the Gredos Mountain Range), in the provinces of Avila and Madrid, allows us to propose two new syntaxa, the subassociation Pyro bourgaeanae-Quercetum rotundifoliae celtidetosum australis, and the association Arbuto unedonis-Myrtetum communis belonging to the alliance Ericion arboreae, whose distribution is limited, in both cases, to the lower mesomediterranean bioclimatic belt of the Vera biogeographical district of the Oretana Range and Tajo sector of the Lusitania and Extremadura subprovince of the West Iberian Mediterranean province. In addition, data are provided on two previously unpublished associations in this region: Santolino rosmarinifoliae-Cistetum laurifolii and Lavandulo sampaioanae-Cistetum albidi, belonging to the alliances Cistion laurifolii and Ulici argentei-Cistion ladaniferi, respectively.
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