The genus Bromus L. (Poaceae) in the Iberian flora: critical notes
Bromus, Poaceae, taxonomy, nomenclature, Iberian-Balearic floraAbstract
Based on the study of herbarium material, taxonomic, nomenclatural, and chorological data of interest for twelve species of the genus Bromus (Poaceae) in the Ibero-Balearic flora are provided. Regarding the distribution of these taxa, some errors appreciated in the corresponding chapter of Flora iberica vol. 19(2) are revealed. The taxonomic treatment adopted in some of the species are discussed. The presence of B. alopecuros Poir. is dismissed in the Peninsula and the presence of B. caroli-henrici Greuter in Portugal is admitted instead. A new lectotype for Bromus intermedius subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens is designated.
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