New locality for Juniperus thurifera L.(Cupressaceae) in the province of Granada (Spain)


  • Juan Antonio Vílchez Vivanco Autor Spain
  • José Miguel Marruecos Spain
  • María Noelia Jiménez Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Granada Spain
  • Francisco Bruno Navarro Área de Recursos Naturales y Forestales, IFAPA (Junta de Andalucía), Granada Spain



Juniperus thurifera, SE Iberian Peninsula, relictic population


We have located a population of Juniperus thurifera L. (Spanish juniper) of 34 individuals in the municipality of Guadahortuna (Granada), a relict species of the Tertiary flora associated with the continental mediterranean climate. The Spanish juniper enjoys large and numerous populations in the center of the peninsula and the Iberian System. On the other hand, the populations of this species are reduced to small groups or isolated individuals in the Iberian Southeast. This population is located at the limit of the distribution of the species, so it presents high values for plant conservation and chorology oriented towards afforestation actions.


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How to Cite

Vílchez Vivanco, J. A., Marruecos, J. M., Jiménez, M. N., & Navarro, F. B. (2022). New locality for Juniperus thurifera L.(Cupressaceae) in the province of Granada (Spain). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 47, 99–101.



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