Contribution with the cartographic knowledge of the settlement with Quercus faginea subsp. tlemcenensis of the reserve of Moutas (Tlemcen- Algeria north-Western).


  • Naima Bouazza Doctorante Algeria
  • Kouider Cherifi Docteur Algeria
  • Brahim Babali Université Abou Bekr Belkaide -Tlemcen - Algérie Algeria



Quercus faginea subsp. tlemcenensis, cartography, dynamics, impact strength, Moutas, Algeria.


By this contribution cartography the authors indeed showed this evolution of the settlement with Quercus faginea subsp. tlemcenensis of the reserve of Moutas.

Prospection used (272 statements) allowed to give a fine image and to bring up to date on the capacity of adaptation of this settlement. With through the observations and knowledge a description of the points hot of the evolution (impact strength, germination and rejection of stock) of this settlement and maps in situ. This work rests on a very strong collaboration between researchers (cartographers, ecologists, foresters and data processing specialists).

This cartography reflects the whole of the biogeographic facts of the zone of study (distribution of the groupings, ecological factors...). It replaces this settlement in the heart of the reflexions and reinforces the importance of its protection and its conservation.


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Author Biography

Brahim Babali, Université Abou Bekr Belkaide -Tlemcen - Algérie

Laboratoire d’écologie et gestion des écosystèmes naturels.

Département d’Ecologie et environnement. 


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How to Cite

Bouazza, N., Cherifi, K., & Babali, B. (2021). Contribution with the cartographic knowledge of the settlement with Quercus faginea subsp. tlemcenensis of the reserve of Moutas (Tlemcen- Algeria north-Western). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 46, 7–12.


