
  • Francisco Javier González González Spain
  • Susana Moreno Soriano Spain
  • Mireya Gutiérrez García Spain
  • Erika Ramos Guevara Spain
  • María de Lourdes Delgado Posada Spain
  • Isabella Ribadeneira Moncayo Spain



Economic viability, Urban regeneration, Carbon, footprint, cooperative


The research is focused on exploring an organizational theoretical framework for sustainable neighborhood urban regeneration, based on the conventional functioning of a cooperative housing association, to apply to the sustainable urban regeneration of a neighborhood. For this theoretical building model there has been simulated an intervention in a real neighborhood, located in Spain. The methodological steps are: development of a neighborhood plan; Ecological and economic quantification of the actions; build a model that allows, in the temporary intervention planning, to use the economic resources generated to reinvest in the neighborhood. A neighborhood plan, as strategy approach tool, makes it possible to establish priorities in every case and create a flexible plan for economical funding according to real needs; Articulate public participation processes to develop comprehensive transformations and offer as well a base for communication to inhabitants and other agents; Establish the actions and show the possibilities for economic return both to professional investors as to neighbors who receive their own refurbished building. Equally it allows to the public administration to establish the conditions for the process and entry of professional private agents; Clarify the planning tools necessary for carry forward the intervention program. 


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How to Cite

González González, F. J., Moreno Soriano, S. ., Gutiérrez García, M., Ramos Guevara, E., Delgado Posada, M. de L., & Ribadeneira Moncayo, I. (2017). VIABILITY OF SUSTAINABLE URBAN REGENERATION: TOWARDS THE LOW CARBON NEIGHBORHOOD. WPS Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal, (5), 50–66.



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