
  • Sonia de Gregorio Hurtado Spain
  • Moneyba González Medina Spain



Urban regeneration, Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies EDUSI, Urban Policy of the European Union, URBAN approach


In the early 1990s, the intervention on the existing city began to move away from mere physical transformation towards a more integrated approach, which put in relation this transformation with the social, economic and environmental dimensions of urban development. The launching of the URBAN Community Initiative (1994-1999) evidences this evolution at EU level, since it promoted an integrated urban regeneration method based on a multidimensional, strategic and participatory approach. The influence of URBAN-on the urban regeneration frameworks of the Member States has been recognized by the literature. In the Spanish case, it introduced a different way of addressing the problems of urban degradation that would continue in the URBAN II programmes (2000-2006), the URBANA Initiative (2007-2013) and, in during the period 2014-2020, in the so-called Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (EDUSI). This paper makes a review of the period 1994-2018 in order to identify the influences and relationships between the political framework and the aforementioned instruments, to understand the evolution that has given rise to the EDUSI. The analysis will deliver knowledge aimed to progress in the field of urban regeneration and to reflect about the Spanish Urban Agenda that the Ministry of Public Works is currently developing.


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How to Cite

de Gregorio Hurtado, S., & González Medina, M. (2017). EDUSI IN THE CONTEXT OF URBAN REGENERATION POLICIES IN SPAIN (1994-2018). WPS Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal, (6), 54–80.



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