The rise of single-person households in Spain

A sociological approach


  • Francisco Alberto Vallejo Peña Spain



Loneliness, Elderly, Singles, Housing, Family, Modernity


The rise of single-person households has become a notable feature of contemporary Western societies. Spain had up to the 80- to homes inhabited by large families, but the thrust of its modernization process and new demographic trends have led a steady increase in their solitary homes. This paper summarizes recent developments in the phenomenon in Spain based on data from the INE and OECD, among others. Later sociological implications could connect the phenomenon with the evolution of the family institution, the labor market and the new socioeconomic relations imposed by modernity. The results invite us to think that the subjects are drawn to the solitary life of a set of contextual factors, and not by the desire to live alone under the influence of the new processes of individuation.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Peña, F. A. (2016). The rise of single-person households in Spain: A sociological approach. WPS Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal, (3), 38–55.



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