EUOBs Project. improving the quality of life of citizens from sustainability


  • María López de Asiain Alberich Spain
  • Blanca Cano Ruano Spain
  • Salas Mendoza Muro Spain



Sustainable urban planning, bioclimatic urban design,, sustainable city


The current situation of lack of resilience and adaptation to the challenges proposed by Horizon 2020 for our cities can be understood by studying the problems
of obsolescence that we are detecting in our communities and neighborhoods, that is, from the microscopic scale of the city. This obsolescence no longer has to
see only our buildings as it is usually defined, but also resides in the public space linked to various situations such as:
1. The lack of quality and order in the urban space that translates into a lack of functionality and deterioration of the urban environment,

2. Design problems or their absence in situations where the accessibility and habitability of public space must be guaranteed,

3. The lack of integration of renewable energies and energy efficiency tools in urban areas,

4. The persistence of polluting emissions, and other situations that express the difficulty for new services and functions to emerge in our

And in general, situations that express the difficulty for new services and functions to emerge in our cities.
The main objective of this project is to discriminate, define, develop and apply the aspects, criteria, and finally, applicable systems to improve the conditions of
habitability and sustainability (social, economic and environmental) of urban neighborhoods with symptoms of obsolescence in Andalusian and Spanish cities to
improving the quality of life of citizens.
This research starts from the identification of situations of urban obsolescence in Andalusia, with the aim of developing a tool that helps agents
involved (technicians, social agents, politicians, etc.) to make decisions and prioritize the possible actions to be developed in relation to the efficiency and urgency of the
themselves or with the costs and benefits that it will entail for the city and its inhabitants.
It will also allow monitoring and assessing the consequences of the measures adopted and corroborating them with the perception of citizens.
This investigation will include the following actions:
-Definition of urban indicators and reference indices that allow diagnosing obsolescence in neighborhoods through the selection of sustainability parameters and
urban resilience.
-Description of possible urban measures aimed at improving the diagnoses of obsolescence, with measurement of the impact in the economic, social and
environment and valuation of the socio-ecosystem services produced by the measures studied.
-Evaluation of the opportunities for direct extrapolation to other situations in Andalusia as well as the necessary adjustments to be made for the different situations.
-Selection of an urban sample where the generated diagnosis protocol and the proposed urban improvement measures will be studied. The selection of the sample will be generated through statistical techniques that will allow extrapolation to other locations in Andalusia,
The expected conclusions for the project are the development of different tools that help the authorities to make justified, effective and
bankable for the improvement of neighborhoods through participatory processes.


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How to Cite

López de Asiain Alberich, M., Cano Ruano, B., & Mendoza Muro, S. (2015). EUOBs Project. improving the quality of life of citizens from sustainability. WPS Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal, (2), 21–37.



Parámetros de Sostenibilidad