The new maps of the territory


  • Susana García Bujalance Spain



living place, mapping, territory


Thousands of homes built and vacant along the coast and inland; million square meters of classified and paralyzed land; illegally built homes
on undeveloped land or on land with incompatible classification or qualification; legal defenselessness of thousands of European citizens in the face of laws that they do not understand and that leave out of order in the best of cases, houses bought with the advice of law firms that gave legal luster to a situation never assumed by the administration or by those administered who found in the sale of their own territory the means to achieve an excessive luxury in record time; collapse in the processing of general planning urban figures that, when finally approved, give way with enlightening immediacy to the modification of their basic parameters; financial agents who must face the resolution of unsolvable legal conflicts in the farms or real estate received in payment due to the lack of liquidity of companies and users and who
they would have been generated with the incomplete development of urban procedures in the 70s and 80s.

People who are evicted from their homes due to non-payment of mortgages; unsold empty buildings; unfinished structures and immobilized builders; incomprehensible news about the international rating of Spanish banks and savings banks, and about the price of Spanish debt; increasingly daunting threats of economic stagnation ...


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Morin, E. (17 de enero de 2010). Elogio de la Metamorfosis. El País.

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Sloterdijk, P. (2007). En el interior del mundo del capital. Madrid: Siruela.



How to Cite

García Bujalance, S. (2015). The new maps of the territory. WPS Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal, (2), 7–14.



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