
  • Rafael Arredondo Quijada Spain



The involvement and commitment from public administration on the access of citizens to a decent home in order to comply, not only the Spanish Constitution as an essential
requirement, but the rest of regulations that establish it (like the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia, in its Article 25); requires to develop a set of measures designed especially
to families with fewer resources, so they can have access to a home in accordance with their economic possibilities.
But having a home is not enough in order to create habitable spaces, whose population is not in exclusion processes, neither can initiate them creating neighbourhoods where investment which would have been necessary to avoid them, even perpetuating the factors that generate such exclusion.
Given this reality, a set of preventive measures are proposed. These measures take up what other issues should be considered when access to a home occurs, in order to
generate communities inserted both in their environment as in the whole of the city. 
One of these measures is the incorporation of the Social Impact Assessment Report as a prerequisite to each future urban development. This report would complement others already existing like the environmental impact report or health report.


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How to Cite

Arredondo Quijada, R. (2015). BEYOND THE RIGHT TO HOUSING. WPS Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal, (1), 72–81.



Propuestas de Actuación