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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines



    Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal


The Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal (RI-SHUR) aims to disseminate quality research in multidisciplinary work related to sustainability, urban regeneration, urban policies and other related fields. This semi-annual publication applies the usual evaluation procedures in scientific journals, with the aim of offering the highest quality in the articles that comprise it. It is a refereed journal that uses the external review system carried out by at least two expert reviewers in a confidential and anonymous manner (peer-review). The revision process will result in the acceptance, rejection or revision proposal of the original.

The Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal (RI-SHUR) is a bilingual journal that admits papers in both Spanish and English. The journal accepts for publication original articles or papers that comply with a usual academic structure in scientific journals:

-   Summary

-   Keywords

-   Introduction

- Presentation of the fundamentals of the work and clear specification of the objectives

- Description of sources

- Methodology

- Presentation of the results

- Discussion of the same

-   Last conclusions

-   Bibliography

- Appendices (if necessary)


The articles received will be previously reviewed by the Editorial Board-Technical Committee (as defined), in order to verify that they meet the basic requirements to be published.

All the originals will be reviewed according to the "peer" system, by at least two evaluators external to the publishing entity, whose suggestions will be sent to the authors so that, if necessary, they can make the pertinent modifications. The evaluation method used is known as "double blind", maintaining the anonymity of both the author and the evaluators.

The Editorial Board will analyze all the contributions and, taking into account the external evaluations, will decide whether to approve or reject them, as well as the volume and number in which the accepted articles will be published.

The Editorial Board of the Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal (RI-SHUR) may reject an article, without having to send it to external reviewers, if it considers that it does not adapt to the standards or does not fit the profile content of the publication. The author will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of his contribution within a maximum period of six months.

Papers submitted to the Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal (RI-SHUR) must be sent exclusively through our electronic platform: Submissions | WPS Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal ( in Microsoft Word format and with 11-point Arial font.

- The original articles or works will be sent without any reference to the identity of the author or authors within the text, accompanied by another file containing a brief curricular note (around 50 words) of the author or authors, with full names and surnames and with their corresponding emails.

- Papers will have a maximum length of 20,000 words. Articles exceeding 20,000 words may be rejected

- Final notes will not be accepted, but they must be numbered and placed at the bottom of the page, in superscript format.

- The different sections that divide the text will not be numbered and must be in lower case.

- It is essential that each work consists of a summary of a maximum of 150 words in both Spanish and English, as well as a maximum of five keywords, not included in the title, equally in Spanish and English.

- The dates of reception, acceptance and online publication will appear at the end of each article. The corresponding author will receive the galley proofs and will be responsible for the final version of the published articles. The introduction of substantial changes in the tests will not be allowed, being limited to the correction of errors with respect to the accepted version.

- The bibliographical references will follow the Chicago Manual of Style, whose rules of use can be seen at:

- Figures/photos:

o No figure/photo will occupy more than one page.

o They will be separated from the text with consecutive Arabic numerals.

o They must be represented with sufficient contrast.

o The size of the lines and the thickness of the lines will be adequate for a possible reduction, without loss of clarity, to the size of the magazine page (17 x 24cm).

o The explanation of the conventional signs will go at the bottom of the figure.

o Images must be sharp.

-   Stadistic charts:

o They will be numbered independently in Arabic numerals, which will be the same as those placed in the margins of the text.

o Each box will have a brief title and none will occupy more than one page.

-   Grades:

o They will be located at the bottom of the page, never at the end of the article

o They will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.

  Charts, images, photos, maps and graphic elements in general must be delivered as they are obtained from the original program without importing them into Word, including references to their location and always in black and white or grayscale. As in the figures, the data source from which the table has been prepared must be included at the bottom of the page.

The Review International on Sustainable Housing and Urban Renewal (RI-SHUR) has a section called Voices of the experts (praxis), where interviews with personalities of interest due to their work or current relevance are published.

These works may not exceed 2,500 words and their writing will adhere to the same rules that apply to articles.

Any breach of these Rules will constitute grounds for rejection of the submitted original.

The works accepted and published will do so under a creative commons license, attribution nonCommercial non Derivatives. (

The user, if he uses contents of the contributions of RI-SHUR in any of his creations, documentation, reports, information, must cite them following the following format: Surname, Initial of the Author's name. “Title in quotes”, RI-SHUR, vol. of the magazine, number (if any), year of publication, pp.


The following types of items will be considered:

  • Empirical research article. It presents the results of: a) original research; b) case studies; c) systematization of experiences of intervention in the field of the themes that are the object of attention of the magazine.

Its structure will include at least five sections: introduction, methodology, results, conclusions and bibliography.

All articles must use a rigorous analytical approach and be understandable to international readers. In addition, the usefulness of the conclusions for similar situations in other countries should be kept in mind.

  • Literature review. Its objective will be the systematization of research results to account for the advances and development trends of the discipline, relying on a broad bibliographical review.
  • Theoretical article. It offers analysis, interpretation and grounded theoretical discussion. Evaluative judgments will indicate the perspective from which they are formulated and the facts that support them.
  • Critical reviews of texts. Argumentative text whose objective is the presentation of the main and most outstanding ideas and/or proposals of a work, accompanied by a critical and evaluative reflection on it.
  • Text where a current issue or other related topics of interest to the magazine are addressed. Its objective is to establish an informal critical dialogue between authors, writers and readers.

    2) GENDER:

     Likewise, it recommends avoiding linguistic sexism through the use of inclusive language that makes women visible.

    The WPS.RISHUR Magazine recommends the use of inclusive language in published works.

     3) DOI: (Digital Object Identifier)

     Works or articles that have a DOI number must include it in their bibliographic reference.


     Images must be sent with a resolution of 200 dpi (300 dpi is recommended) in JPEG or TIFF format, and a minimum size of 70 mm wide with its corresponding height.


     The "Biographical Summary" field will be filled in for all authors.

     O well:

     Author information: In order to contact the authors, they will include the following information in a separate document:

     -   Name and surname).

    -   Article title.

    - University or institution to which they belong.

    -   Email address.

     Unless the author says otherwise, this information will appear in the publication. If they wish, authors can also send a link to their personal web page.









  In this section we will publish different topics in broader scientific scenario


Ene esta sección encontrará una introducción y descripción de los contenidos de cada uno de los números de la Revista. La Presentación la lleva a cabo la Directora de la Revista.

Parámetros de Sostenibilidad

En esta sección se integran las publicaciones que aporten innovaciones relevantes científicas y académicas en relación con la mejora de la sostenbilidad entendida esta en un sentido amplio, y proyectada en el ámbito de la edificación, vivienda y el urbanismo, en el contexto internacional.

Propuestas de Actuación

En esta sección de incorporan artículos académicos y científicos que propongan nuevas herramientas, recursos, modificaciones normativas, técnicas.. o en definitiva todo tipo de actuación novedosa que contribuya a mejorar la sostenibilidad, accesibilidad, y las políticas públicas en materia de Urbanismo, edificación, vivienda y Ordenación del territorio, la economía circular, el ciclo de vida, la biodiversidad y el desarrollo azul  en Andalucía. Se da especial valor a las contribuciones que aporten retos innovadores vinculados con las nuevas tecnologías o aspectos transdisciplinares vinculados a la frontera entre las ciencias jurídicas y técnicas.


 Incorporar la relación de publicaciones últimas sobre la materia 

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.