Musculoskeletal pain, sedentary time and physical activity in amateur electronic sports players. Pilot study.


  • Jose Luis Aguilar Reguero a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:22:"Universidad de Málaga";} Spain



E-sports, Physical Activity, Pain, Sedentary, Daily Activities


Purpose: To know the degree of Physical Activity performed by players who are fond of practicing e-sports, the time they dedicate to sedentary activities and check if these aspects are related to the presence of joint and muscle pain that may affect them in their lives every day. Method: N=139 participants (20 women) carried out an online survey that included the Nordic Kuorinka Questionnaire (1987), the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and questions of a sociodemographic nature and anthropometric variables between the months of January and April 2021. Independent variables: gender, age, BMI, time sitting and weekly METs. Dependent variables: responses in the Nordic Questionnaire by Kuorinka (1987) and the questions of a sociodemographic and anthropometric nature. The statistical methods used were the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, the Mann-Whitney non-parametric U test, the Rho Spearman non-parametric correlation test and, as an effect size statistic, Cohen's D. Results: Most discomfort in the lumbar and cervical area. Average hours sitting = 7.26h / day, low level of PA (590.42 METs), normal BMI but close to overweight (24.98). Statistically significant correlations between sitting time and METs (rs = ?0.312, p <0.00), and pain in the lumbar area with cervical areas (rs = ?0.329, p <0.00) and shoulder (rs = ?0.363, p <0.00). Finally, there are no significant differences between men and women in sitting time, but there are in hand and wrist pain scores [U = 857,000; p = 0.0015]. Conclusions: 1) The number of hours that study participants spend sitting per day are close to other studies, being similar. 2) Participants suffer more discomfort in the lumbar and cervical area than in the shoulder, wrist or forearm areas, with a higher percentage in the group of women. 3) No correlations were found between playing hours and daily difficulties for activities, work, studies, sports, using the computer and training or competing in e-sports.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Reguero, J. L. (2023). Musculoskeletal pain, sedentary time and physical activity in amateur electronic sports players. Pilot study. Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement, 5(1), 23–37.

