Team category and gender differences of resilience among high-level volleyball players


  • Asterios Patsiaouras a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:29:"University of Thessaly /DPESS";} Greece



resilience, High Level Volleyball, Volleyball National Team, sex differences, self-efficacy


Introduction. The objective of this study was to investigate he difference in resilience level of high-level volleyball players of different team categories. Methods. Ninety-eight volleyball players (50 males and 48 females) of the national team U21, Pre-League and Second Division A2 teams participated in the study and their perceptions were examined using the Self Evaluation Resilience test. Statistical analysis included the use of SPSS 21.0 including t-test for independent samples, and one-way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni adjustment test. Results showed statistically significant differences between male and female volleyball players in ‘‘orientation on solution and aims’’’ and ‘‘self-efficacy’’ variables and between players of different team categories concerning ‘‘orientation on solution and aims’’, ‘‘healthy lifestyle’’ and ‘‘self-efficacy’’. Future research should investigate whether coaching behavior affects the resilience level of the players in different categories.


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How to Cite

Patsiaouras, A. (2021). Team category and gender differences of resilience among high-level volleyball players. Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement, 3(1), 1–9.