About the Journal
Focus and Scope
JPEHM is a journal edited by UMA Editorial and promoted by an international team of university professors and researchers, having a multidisciplinary nature whenever they address issues related to physical education and human motor skills, allowing for original scientific works, case studies and research reviews in the following areas:
Social Sciences (physical education, sport training, sport pedagogy, sport psychology, sport sociology, sport research methods, sport management, recreation and tourism).
Biomedical and Health Sciences (sport physiology, motor control and learning, sport biochemistry, sport nutrition, sport medicine, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, physical activity and health, sport biomechanics, adapted physical activity).
Humanities(sport history, sport philosophy, sport law and sport terminology).
Under the criteria of internationalization and dissemination of knowledge, this journal publishes texts every six months in Spanish, English and Portuguese, supported by an international editorial team that seeks to establish a reference framework for the exchange of scientific knowledge between the European and Ibero-American levels.
Peer Review Process
Any article sent to JPEHM will be submitted to its evaluation by two section external reviewers or experts in the subject, confidentially and anonymously (double blind), who will issue a report that can be accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected. In the case of disparate judgments by the two external evaluators, the work will be submitted to a third external evaluator and will be taken into consideration by the editors of the journal.
The accepted work with modifications must be corrected and returned by the authors within a maximum period of one month.
The new version will be sent again to the reviewers, who must issue the positive report for its final acceptance by the journal. The author / authors will receive the evaluation reports of the external reviewers, anonymously, so that they can make the necessary corrections if necessary.
The author / authors whose works are resolved by JPEHM as "accepted" will receive an acceptance email of the article, which will serve as accreditation and publication commitment. Otherwise, the causes of the non-publication will be communicated in a reasoned manner.
All reviews in JPEHM employ the internationally standardized double-blind peer-review system that guarantees the anonymity of the manuscripts, audited within the "OJS" Platform (Open Journal System).
Open Access Policy
JPEHM does not charge the authors any fee for submitting manuscripts or fees for the publication of articles
All the contents published by JPEHM are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, whose full text can be consulted at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
Therefore, copying, distribution, public communication, derivative works and the commercial use of the contents are allowed provided that the source and author of the text are cited.
It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permissions of the images that are subject to copyright.
This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Interoperability Protocol
The JPHM journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published content.
Route for harvesters: https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/JPHM/oai
Author charges
Authors are not asked to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) for this journal in any case.
Digital Preservation Policies
JPEHM uses DOI that is a persistent identifier, so it ensures that the link is to be preserved, and DOAJ that is a community peer initiative, which maintains the project of the directory of journals in open access collaborated to identify principles of transparency and good practices of academic publications. It is published in full text in Dialnet
Plagiarism and Publication Ethics Statement
Journal of Physical Education and Human Momevent maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application Crossref Similarity Check services of iThenticate, to scan all proposals. We use the service on all papers that have passed the editorial screening process and are eligible for blind peer review. The Journal reserves the decision to reject articles with an inadequate similarity percentage. We also have specific plagiarism detection tools such as Unicheck, a free access platform that monitors originality and controls plagiarism.
JPEHM takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journals, we use iThenticate to check submissions against previous publications.