Técnicas borrosas para el análisis de sensibilidad en la selección de carteras con restricciones de diversificación


  • Clara Calvo Universidad de Valencia Spain
  • Carlos Iborra Universidad de Valencia Spain
  • Vicente Liern Universidad de Valencia Spain


Selecci´on de cartera, An´alisis de sensibilidad, Optimizaci´on borrosa


We use fuzzy set theory to obtain alternative solutions to the Portfolio Selection Problem that can better fit the inverstor’s preferences about the expected return and the corresponding risk of the efficient portfolio he or she finally chooses. We show by means of an example that, when diversification constraints are incorporated into the portfolio selection problem, the characteristics of the optimal efficient portfolio (composition, risk and expected return) can be very sensitive to small variations of the parameters asociated to the investor’s subjective preferences, and then the fuzzy alternatives provided by our method can substantially improve the investor’s satisfaction.



How to Cite

Calvo, C., Iborra, C., & Liern, V. (2012). Técnicas borrosas para el análisis de sensibilidad en la selección de carteras con restricciones de diversificación. Revista Electrónica De Comunicaciones Y Trabajos De ASEPUMA, 13(1), 119–128. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/recta/article/view/19977