Construcción de indicadores sintéticos basados en juicio experto: aplicación a una medida integral de excelencia académica
Indicadores sintéticos, Lógica fuzzy, Métodos de ordenaciónAbstract
The objective of our work consists of the construction of a synthetic indicator allowing the measurement of the degree of academic excellence. Our proposal is based on two main lines: on the one hand, we will base on the gained experience during the two last years at the Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS (Colombia) and, on the other, on order models based on fuzzy logic. Since 2013, when the UIS created the System for Supporting the Academic Excellence of the Students, SEA, several programs and strategies have been developed. These programs and strategies aim at guarantying the permanency at the university and the culmination of the academic education of the students within the set time. With this goal, the SEA analizes five dimensions (economic, social, academic, cognitive and health) from which we have establish five partial indicators. From them we have constructed the indicator ILSAE that provides the global excellence degree. Our methodology is based on statistical techniques and, sometimes, on the consideration of expert knowledge, through fuzzy logic.The proposed method is illustrated through a real example where data from 699 degrees from the UIS (Bucaramanga Campus) obtained during the first quarter of 2015 are analized. The statistical treatment has been done using the program SPSS.
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