Integración de indicadores medioambientales y de desempeño operacional en terminales de graneles sólidos sucios del sistema portuario español


  • Teresa Samanés Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain
  • María Nicoletta González-Cancelas Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain
  • Beatriz Molina-Serrano Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain



Graneles sólidos, análisis Clúster, KPI, indicadores medioambientales, indicadores de desempeño operacional


The sustainable management of the port sector must be understood as one that allows increasing the volume of merchandise traffic and number of passengers, while reducing the consumption of energy and natural resources, the volume of waste generated and the negative impacts on social systems and ecosystems in the influence areas of the port. To carry out a sustainable management, it is necessary a previous study and deduce a series of behaviors and tendencies to propose solutions or alternatives. For this reason, in the research an integration of environmental indicators and operational performance indicators (KPIs) has been made, particularly for dirty solid bulk. To represent the entire Spanish port system, six representative terminals have been chosen, so that once our list of indicators has been defined, a study of behavior and interrelation of some parameters with others has been carried out in order to describe trends or behaviors and an analysis Cluster. Through the study that relating the environmental components and the management and operation indicators, it is observed, a priori, that the solid bulk terminals of the Spanish port system that behave similarly to the environmental management Vs relationship are Santander terminals, Carboneras , Tarragona and A Coruña. Gijón and Algeciras are the terminals that exhibit different behavior.



How to Cite

Samanés, T., González-Cancelas, M. N., & Molina-Serrano, B. (2019). Integración de indicadores medioambientales y de desempeño operacional en terminales de graneles sólidos sucios del sistema portuario español. Revista Electrónica De Comunicaciones Y Trabajos De ASEPUMA, 20(1), 77–93.