Manuel Martínez Torán

Lecturer at the Universitat Politècnica de València, he teaches the Degree in Industrial Design and co-directs the Master's Degree in Interactive Technologies and Digital Manufacturing. Director of the Digital Divide and Functional Diversity Chair.

Researcher at the Centre for Quality and Change Management. PhD from the UPV's Graphic and Industrial Design Approaches programme (1998), he has participated as Principal Researcher in more than 25 projects, with more than 90 publications, 4 patents and 9 doctoral theses supervised.

Together with Professor Chele Esteve, they coordinate the ETSID Desis Lab, within the international network of design for social innovation (DESIS).

He is also the Director of the FabLab Valencia network and a member of the Spanish Network for Digital Creation and Manufacturing (CREFAB), of which he is a member of the board of directors. He belongs to the academic network of Design and Emotions, coordinated by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México.