Elena Laudante

Researcher at the Department of Engineering of the University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli" on the topics of multisensory fruition of Cultural Heritage. PhD in Environment, Design and Innovation with a thesis entitled "Design, Digital and Co-Robotics: an Ergonomic Approach in Industry 4.0," as part of the PhD in Environment, Design and Innovation at the Department of Engineering of the University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli". She has collaborated as a member of the editorial board of the Class A scientific journal diid | industrial design that delves into the evolution and outcomes of design research and experimentation. As part of national and international research projects, she conducts research on the topics of museum accessibility, new technologies of Industry 4.0, ergonomics and human-robot interaction. She associates research with teaching activities with the Course focused on the analysis and study of regulatory references as "tools" for innovation entitled "Research and Innovation through national, European and international regulatory references" as part of the PhD Program in Environment, Design and Innovation at the Department of Engineering.