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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

Author Guidelines

The submission of any kind of manuscript to Proyecta56 implies that this manuscript has never been published before and that it is not under consideration for acceptance in any other journal, and that its submission and publication have been accepted by all co-authors and, where applicable, by the responsible institutions.

Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or any other content previously published in other communications, must obtain the permission of the owner of the rights (if any), for both the print format and the digital format, and provide evidence of this permission being granted to them. In this sense, if no evidence of such permission is provided, the journal will understand that all content belongs to the authors of the manuscript.

The author must ensure that all relevant editable files are provided (such as figures or tables). Not sending these can result in unnecessary delays with regards to the review and publication processes.

Research manuscripts should be submitted through our platform, following the registration of the authors (template) .These must contain:

Title (in Spanish and English). This must be brief and precise (maximum 150 characters). If necessary, a subtitle, separated by a full stop, may be included.

Name of the authors and affiliations. The affiliation must be as detailed as possible and include institution or department, city, country, postal address…

E-mail address of the main author.

ORCID code of the main author (where applicable).

Abstract (in Spanish and English). The abstract must consist of between 150 and 250 words. It must not contain any undefined abbreviations nor unspecified references. It must concisely expound the motive and objective of the research, the methodology applied, the most relevant results, and the main conclusions, highlighting the most novel and relevant aspects of the work.

Keywords (in Spanish and English). Between four and six keywords, of which at least three must belong to the database of this journal.

Introduction: which must present the problem dealt with, its current status, and its importance.

Methodology: which must describe the research process followed.

Results: which must offer information of the results achieved through the research process of the author or authors.

Conclusions: which must compare the results with the initial objectives of the research, offering solutions for their global application and their continuity in the long term.

References: these must follow the APA style.

Our platform will request incorporation of the first data. Moreover, every author must attach a main document or manuscript in Word format using 12-size point font. This document must be completely anonymous and only include: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, and References, and any other sections of the article that the author may deem convenient.

The abstract, title, information identifying the authors, and keywords, must never be included in this document.

Articles may be written and assessed in Spanish or English. For both their review and their publication, priority will be given to manuscripts translated and presented in both languages. If a bilingual version (English-Spanish) is sent, the main document will be submitted with the content in both languages (in the very same file). As for those elements wherein it is indicated that both languages must be used, this must be done no matter which of the two languages is used in the manuscript. Authors submitting research manuscripts only in Spanish commit to translating the article into English, once it has been accepted, within 30 days for its publication in both languages.

Manuscripts may include as many tables and figures as necessary. These must be used as follows:

  • They must be used to clarify important aspects and must never duplicate information.
  • All tables and figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals.
  • They must be cited in the text, in consecutive order, and without one depending upon the others.
  • Every table must be headed by a title. If the materials have previously been published, the original source must be specified at the end of this title.
  • Likewise, every figure must include a title below. If previously published, at the end of this title, the original source must be shown.

With regards to abbreviations, these must only be used if they are universally accepted. If an author wishes to shorten a term frequently used in the manuscript, the corresponding abbreviation must be included in parentheses next to that term the first time that it appears in the text.

Do not forget to review all the types of works that we publish before submitting your manuscript.


The most recent developments will be collected and detailed as well as all published works about the publication's topic in a coherent way. It has to contain all its evolution posiblities and unresolved questions. It will have a maximum extension of 8.000 words.

Make a new submission to the Review section.

Research article

All the results and original, theorical or experimental research findings will be collected. It has a recommended extension between 4.000 and 8.000 words.

Make a new submission to the Research article section.

Technical Note

Notes about products, projects, proccesses, methodologies or tools that, even if they are not an investigation in itself, could show interesting technical details. It has an extension between 800 and 1.500 words.

Make a new submission to the Technical Note section.


All the scientific, professional and technological ideas, concepts, judgements and dicoveries linked to the Industrial Design and Product Development career will be collected here. It has a maximum extension of 2.000 words.

Make a new submission to the Perspective section.

Opinion Column

All the professional opinions about the Industrial Design and Product Development's career will be collected here. It has a maximum extension of 750 words.

Make a new submission to the Opinion Column section.

Privacy Statement  Edit

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

For further information, please read our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


Research article

All the results and original, theorical or experimental research findings will be collected. It has a recommended extension between 4.000 and 8.000 words.


All the scientific, professional and technological ideas, concepts, judgements and dicoveries linked to the Industrial Design and Product Development career will be collected here. It has a maximum extension of 2.000 words.

Opinion Column

All the professional opinions about the Industrial Design and Product Development's career will be collected here. It has a maximum extension of 750 words.


The most recent developments will be collected and detailed as well as all published works about the publication's topic in a coherent way. It has to contain all its evolution posiblities and unresolved questions. It will have a maximum extension of 8.000 words.

Technical Note

Notes about products, projects, proccesses, methodologies or tools that, even if they are not an investigation in itself, could show interesting technical details. It has an extension between 800 and 1.500 words.

Privacy Statement

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD), we inform you that the personal data you provide us through the portal, via telephone, or by email will be treated confidentially and will become part of a file owned by the University of Malaga that has been duly registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( Your personal data will be used to meet your request for information, the management and provision of the services offered by UMA Editorial, and to send future commercial communications that may be of interest to you.

 Likewise, we inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD), by sending a letter together with a photocopy of your ID, to the following address: Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 30 (Campus de Teatinos ), Apdo. 3149, 29071, Malaga.

The data requested from the User through forms indicated with an asterisk (*) will be those strictly necessary to be able to provide the service or to be able to contact the User. In no case, the fact of not providing more data than what is strictly necessary will imply a reduction in the quality of the service.

The User guarantees that the personal data provided is true and is responsible for communicating any changes in them. The User will be solely responsible for any damage or harm, direct or indirect, that could be caused to UMA Editorial or to any third party, due to filling in the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date data. In the event that the User includes personal data of third parties, he must, prior to its inclusion, inform them of the provisions of this privacy policy, being solely responsible for its inclusion.