Speech act analysis in an iatromagical praxis in ll. 212-213 of Greek Magical Papyrus VII





speech acts, PGM, magic, religion


The Greek Magical Papyri are a corpus of texts that have been studied from various perspectives (philological, religious and historical, among others), which have helped to understand them and other related aspects of the period, such as the complex religious syncretism of Greco-Roman Egypt. In the following work we propose to carry out an analysis of lines 212-213 of PGM VII from a sociolinguistic point of view, where the aim is to understand the existing relations between the writer and the performer and how the latter has to understand and execute the praxis in order for it to be successful.


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How to Cite

Romero Criado, A. (2024). Speech act analysis in an iatromagical praxis in ll. 212-213 of Greek Magical Papyrus VII. International Journal of Ancient Astrology and Magic Research, (21), 37–59. https://doi.org/10.24310/mhnh.21.2021.16738


