What is connectomics ?


  • Carlos Rodríguez-Caso Spain
  • Carlos Rodríguez-Caso Spain


connectomics, networks, neuroimaging


The advances in neuroimaging have provided unprecedented insight about how the brain is. Beyond brain structure visualisation, a new discipline has emerged from the interaction between neuroimaging techniques and the so-called network theory. The result of this convergence is the connectomics. This article talks about what it is and how is transforming our understanding of the brain.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Caso , C., & Rodríguez-Caso, C. (2016). What is connectomics ?. Encuentros En La Biología, 9(159), 123–126. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/enbio/article/view/17940


