Two new localities for Apteranthes munbyana (Decne. ex Munby) Crespo & Mateo (Apocynaceae) in the mountains of eastern Morocco


  • Hamza Hannaoua Faculté des sciences Oujda Marruecos
  • Abdelilah Jdaini Marruecos
  • Nargis Sahib Laboratoire d’Amélioration des Productions Agricoles, Biotechnologie Et Environnement (LAPABE), Faculté des Sciences, Mohammed Premier University, Oujda, Morocco. Marruecos


Palabras clave:

Apteranthes, corología, flora marroquí, nuevas localizaciones, especies raras


Apteranthes munbyana (Decne. ex Munby) Crespo & Mateo an endemic species of Morocco, Algeria and Spain. This Apocynaceae is reported for the first time in three localities in northeastern Morocco. Previously, its occurrence was restricted to Jbel Hamra in the south of Oujda, approximately 40 km from Nador towards Guercif, and in the Boccoyas along the Moroccan Mediterranean coast. In Morocco, it is recognized as a very rare and endangered species. The following note provides the details on the precise geographical locations of the two newly discovered localities, along with an exploration of the taxonomy of A. munbyana.



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Apteranthes numbyana oruga y comercio local



Cómo citar

Hannaoua, H., Jdaini, A., & Sahib, N. (2024). Two new localities for Apteranthes munbyana (Decne. ex Munby) Crespo & Mateo (Apocynaceae) in the mountains of eastern Morocco. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 49, 192–198.


