Metafísica y persona. Filosofía, conocimiento y vida
Año 16, Núm. 31, Enero-Junio, 2024, ISSN: 2007-9699
conception for an account of religious experience, one can note that James’s
experience. James himself tells us in the Varieties of Religious Experience that
we must look at the fruits and not so much at the roots of religious expe-
riences, in a pragmatist fashion, what James is claiming is the transformative
value of religious experience as its claim for the right to be believed.
interest in the James of the Varieties, they explain that contemporary psy-
somehow refreshes James’ opinion that religious experience should be as-
sessed by their fruits and not by their roots.
When it comes to psychology and the study of the experiences of the sub-
experimental displays of neurology actually vindicate that there is more to
the consciousness and mental states of people that what comes to the surface,
and the authors tell us that under no circumstances we should hide that caus-
us that there are prevalent experiences that go beyond what we know, and
In addition, when they speak about the types of spiritual experience, they
neous character, the personality types that have the experiences, the genetics
of the experiences and the genetics of the people who have the experiences,
the brain processes, the religious rituals that prompt experiences, they psy-
chopharmacology that can be associated to the experiences taking place, the
religiosity of the people who live the experiences, the context and circum-
stances of the experiences, the situations that are in the limit of life and death
and the border of trauma experiences, the rites of passages of the cultures in
which persons live important transitions of their lives, the practices and the
neurological stimuli that can play a part.
All these elements are assessed by Yaden and Newberg as considerations
in a life as opposed to pathological outcomes speaks of deep levels of conscious
transformation, especially when a moral transformation is achieved. This vin-
dicates the value of the experience regardless the oddity of the situations in